Saturday, November 7, 2009

Too Busy To Make Food?

This semester's workload is getting worse -- and so are my eating habits. Almost every week since September, I've been staying on campus from 9am-9pm (Monday-Wednesday straight). I've had to resort to eating meals purchased from Jimmy John's, Potbelly's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and Cafe ConXion (South Quad) -- all very delicious choices, but quite expensive and unhealthy.

I've always been that student who rolls out of bed, brushes her teeth, and walks out the door (looking like a scrubby bum) on an empty stomach. But this routine has finally started to take a toll on my health as well as my budget.

For all of you out there who share my love for sleep and fast food, it's time to shape up! I've finally decided to start eating breakfast, as well as to stop relying on the convenient speediness and deliciousness of fast food, and start relying on packing my meals. Packing a lunch is much cheaper in the long run, and honestly takes about the same amount of time it does to wait in a line.

I started eating breakfast while walking to class. I buy foods that are portable and easy to eat while walking, like yogurt, bananas, and bagels. I made it a rule to always eat something in the morning, even if it is a piece of toast with nothing on it (sad, but still necessary). Eating breakfast in the morning jump-starts your metabolism, gives you energy, and wakes you up!

I also started getting up about 15 minutes earlier in the morning so I can make my lunch for the day. I love sandwiches and will switch up regular sliced bread for spinach wraps or bagels, for variety. I also started packing granola bars, apples, and plastic Ziploc bags of my favorite cereal as munchies throughout the day. I've noticed my energy levels have increased not only because I'm eating healthier foods, but because I'm eating small snacks between my meals. Snacks keep me from feeling hungry throughout the day - just one less thing to think about!

I know, I know. An extra fifteen minutes of sleep sounds appealing and most people aren't even hungry when they wake up. But just think about what eating breakfast and packing a lunch can do for your wallet and your body! I swear, it'll do wonders.

And, upon popular request, here is our Pilot Episode of Caroline in the Kitchen!


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